Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Starter Platter

err...nie my first time writing a blog..hahah!!

ak mula nak start blogging because:

1. Dhila da ade blog so ak pon nak gak..haha!!

2. Bosan kat opis

3. Nak attention (bwahhahahah!!!)

4. err....bosannn

5. saje nak share my life with u people :D

First of all...this is me :

and the caption written on the picture is true...i do love to eat..but not live to eat la..
that is insane olreadi la..hahah!!

I have family, friends and music that really filled up my life..without them i would die of loneliness (cewahh) ahah!! cam lirik lagu HIM plak..huuh!!

Okla...that's it for now..nanti ak update gi la...sbenaye ade byk lagi tapi bole tipu post date ker? heheheh!!

YazRamone :P

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