Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Kuih Lyric

Dari dulu ak ada satu tabiat..iaitu membaca lyric heheh!! itu la sebab mak ak kate kalo buku sekolah tuh konsepnye same cam lirik...ak akn lebih pandai kot skang bwahahah!!!..tu la time sekolah dulu byk main skang terima la akibatnye hehehh!!!
Admit it la....school/college book are not intersting and they are as boring as your lect face...hahha!! lagi2 lau ur lect face is like tuuut jer..huhuh!!

Dulu my fav band yang ak suke kaji ialah...The Cure and Bad Religion. Both of the band brings different concept of lyric....for instance The Cure are more into morbid and meloncholic lyric but Bad Religion are more direct and polished more on political issue.

Nie contoh from Bad Religion:

Kyoto Now! (my fav lyric from them)

Kyoto now!Its a matter of prescience -no, not the science fiction kind
Its all about ignorance, and greed, and miracles for the blind
The media parading, disjointed politics
Founded on petrochemical plunder, and were its hostages
If you stand to reason youre in the game
The rules might be elusive but our pieces are the same
And you know if one goes down we all go down as well
The balance is precarious as anyone can tell
This worlds going to hell
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster to exact its price
Kyoto now!
We cant do nothing and think someone else will make it right
You might not think it matters now but what if you are wrong
You might not think theres any wisdom in a fucked up punk rock song
But the way it is cannot persist for long
A brutal sun is rising on our sick horizon
Its in the way we live our lives
Exactly like the double edge of a cold familiar knife
And supremacy weighs heavy on the day
Its never really what you own but what you threw away
And how much did you pay?
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster to exact its price
Kyoto now!
We cant do nothing and think someone else will make it right
In your dreams you saw a steady state a bounty for eternity
Silent screams
But now the wisdom that sustains us is in full retreat
Watch out!
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster isnt worth the risk
Kyoto now!
We cant have vision for the future if it cant be fixed
We need a fresh and new religion to run our lives
Hand in hand
The arid torpor of inaction will be our demise
Oh, kyoto now!

* this lyric basically disscuss about the Kyoto Protocol that are signed by most nation in the world except US, this protocol contains agreement from country to limit their gas producing to the atmosphere. they trying to urge the US gov to signed them la cternye... ;D

So i think this about it kot..nak tulis byk2 karang penat plak korang bace..so see u later aligator...hahaah!! Ak lapar la..

YazRamone Lapar :P

Roti Metal :P


we met yet agin..hahha!!

i've started to develop a morbid effection and addiction to this thing called blogging. hurmm..this weekend my band will b playing in this gig called Valentine Gore Circus sometin-sometin...neways this is the flyer..tadaa!!

do come if you're free...for those who cant see the details (including me) the gig will be held at Paul's Place Jln Kelang Lama..i also dunno exactly to get there..so, go google that place for more info ya?! hehehhe!!

Ok since we started talking about music, this is my band Vermillion. they also my friends...ermm actually we started as friends then band...hehe!! so they are very important phase in my life..

ok from front Alie, Me, Hana, Naz (one with hat) and Aca...they rock my world haha!!
We mostly play Metal particularly Swedish and Finnish style but sometimes we do play Dangdutcore..hauhuaha!!! kidding laahh...tak sanggup ak men dangdut...technically chalengging..patah jari woo!!..ahhah!!

My music journey started when i was 3 ahah!!!..yela time tuh denga lagu doreamon la..hafal tau lirik die and of course twinkle2 little star..lagu baik jer time tuh..start abg ak pengaruh ak...start la dgr punk rock la..mostly and msk umo ak 18 ak start dengar metal..hahha!!
nie lagi setan...but if u look at the lyric it is very beautiful and gay..ahhahah!! seriusly..try la tgk lyric band cam in flames and dark trancquility..haha!! comel je lyric dorang..
Ok la...tu je dolo...nanti sambung la..heheh!!

YazRamone :P

Starter Platter

err...nie my first time writing a blog..hahah!!

ak mula nak start blogging because:

1. Dhila da ade blog so ak pon nak gak..haha!!

2. Bosan kat opis

3. Nak attention (bwahhahahah!!!)

4. err....bosannn

5. saje nak share my life with u people :D

First of all...this is me :

and the caption written on the picture is true...i do love to eat..but not live to eat la..
that is insane olreadi la..hahah!!

I have family, friends and music that really filled up my life..without them i would die of loneliness (cewahh) ahah!! cam lirik lagu HIM plak..huuh!!

Okla...that's it for now..nanti ak update gi la...sbenaye ade byk lagi tapi bole tipu post date ker? heheheh!!

YazRamone :P